By attending any church service or event arranged or organised by Christian Revival Church (“CRC”), whether on a weekly basis or otherwise, you hereby grant CRC and any of its subsidiaries or agents permission to record your voice and photograph while in attendance. You understand and agree that the term ”photograph” as used herein encompasses both still photographs and audio-video recordings.

You further grant CRC and its subsidiaries and agents full unrestricted rights to the use of your photograph, voice, and likeness in any form, including edited versions, in or over any medium, including, without limitation, streaming audio and/or video over the internet, broadcast, cable, satellite transmissions, and media that are unknown at this time, worldwide for any purpose including without limitation any commercial purpose.

Please note, this only includes photography by the CRC Staff and Volunteers and does not include any filming or photographs taken by members attending the services, as we cannot take responsibility for photography by the general public.


We understand if somebody prefers not being filmed / photographed inside the auditoriums and we would therefore wish to accommodate anyone who would like to attend, while minimising the possibility of being captured on film. We have designated seating areas within the auditorium, where you can sit if you would like to reduce the chance of being filmed or photographed.

The designated seating areas will be marked, as each auditorium has a different layout with different camera angles. Alternatively enquire from our front desk or the Volunteers with “How can I help you T-shirts?”

Please ask an usher or hostess for assistance and they will gladly direct you to the designated area.

Kindly further note, CRC cannot be held liable if you are photographed in the background of a photograph, either inside the auditorium or on the CRC premises, as it is not purposeful or intentionally aimed at photographing you, especially in areas such as the parking area, foyer or entrance halls.


With regards to footage and photos taken inside the auditorium or in our CRC Kids Church facilities, we urge any parent who has an objection that footage be taken of their children, to assist us by completing the form in this link, so that our Kids Church Volunteers are made aware of the explicit exclusion.


Any content obtained remains the property of CRC and is solely being used for promotional / marketing purposes, apart from the main purpose to Spread the Gospel around the Globe for His Glory.

We do not sell any of our content and do not profit financially from any distribution / publication thereof.